Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How Yoga can change your life and lifestyle?

In this history of humanitarian age, yoga capturing his own eminent place. The effect of yoga has been spreading day by day around the globe. The meaning of yoga is simple, is ‘do connect’. The centre of this excise has impact in our both mind and soul, and through this practice sometime mind can meet with the soul or sometime separate with each other.

The yoga has classified based on specific time, and following are the classification of yoga.

Pre Classical Yoga:

In this yoga, the culture of Hindu religions and Buddhist regions are reflected and through this both mind and soul meet together.

Classical Yoga:

The main purpose of this yoga was separate the body and mind to purify the soul.

Post Classical Yoga:

The ultimate aims of this yoga is to synthesis the old process of yoga’s rules and regulation with new life style, and fulfill the human life through different type of exercise, meditation and appropriate diet.

From the beginning to till date different type of yog has invented, like as-

Bhakti Yog-

In this yog the importance has given to the spiritual part of life, so the physical activities are very rare in this type of yog. The only purpose of this yog is to attain the spiritual satisfaction by doing so.

Karma Yog-

In this yog, the disciplines are given so much importance. The karma yog play a big role to bring the person towards the universe through flourish ourselves.

Gyan Yog-

The aim of this yog is to get together three things mind, body and soul.

Raj Yog-

Through practicing this yog, man can control over his mind and this yog play crucial role to live quality life, anyone can control his mind through different type of asanas and meditation.

Kriya Yog-

This is the oldest yog among others, and the key way to attain wisdom. Now a day’s some nation are misleading this yog process, likewise they follow some odd type yoga, named bear yoga, hot yoga etc.

It is actually ruin the whole yoga process, and leaving the negative health impact on human body and mind.

But now people are more health conscious than earlier and they should study the real yoga process in this digital age, this is why 21 June is being followed as yoga days around the whole world, and day by day more people engage themselves into yoga to get much more health benefits together body and mind.

For this reason now a day yoga trainer could be taken as a profession, because many places require this professional. So this is the golden time for all health conscious people to do the B.Sc and M.sc course to enter the career life, because yoga can have both amazing health impact and carrier impact as well.

Career in Yoga:

  1.       Research Officer (Yoga and Naturopathy).
  2.       Instructor of Yoga Aerobics.
  3.       Assistant of Ayurved Doctor.
  4.           Yoga Trainer
  5.           Yoga Teacher
  6.           Holistic Councilor
  7.       Research officer of Yogic Science
  8.       Assistant Yoga Therapist
  9.           Assistant of Clinical Psychologist
  10.           Yoga Therapist
  11.       Therapist and Naturopath
  12.           Trainer of Different Health Club

After all, we can recognize the importance of training of yoga and for this reason yoga teacher’s demand are increasing in our society. Bsc and Msc degree are becoming popular and they have a descent opportunity to get employ at any public, private and social organization.

Appropriate and right techniques are very much necessary practicing yoga, rather than it could bring different kind of health hazard. So trainer, teacher is playing their role to teach large number of people in our country as well abroad.

Beside government, common people also has to play their role for different kind of awareness programme to promote the yoga, because there is no doubt that yoga can reduce the medical budget of any person, family and even nation

At the end we realize that yoga can improve our all kind of personal life, professional life, social life etc., and the quality of life would be better if we can incorporate this into our daily life.  

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