Thursday, March 7, 2019

15 Secrets Method for Quality health and Long life

15 Secret method for good health and long life| in the following pages we are described briefly, if we put them into practice, we surely attain Health and longevity in our life.

Definition of Health:

Health may be defined as the harmonious functioning of the different systems-such as digestive, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, excretory etc. - working in the human body.

Symptoms of good health:

  • Sound, refreshing sleep, night by night, from which we wake alert, keen, enthusiastic for the new day before us
  • Regular movement of the bowel, with elimination of waste substances from the body
  • Keen hunger
  • Clarity of mind
  • Ability of the body to work
  • Freedom from laziness
  • Normal functioning of the Excretory and every other organ of the body etc

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Following steps we need to follow to attain healthy life and longevity:

1. Let the mind be the Slave-

The following are some of the ways and means to enslave the mind. All the method are useful and beneficial, but you can choose out of them according to your own requirements, facilities and capacity etc.

2. Keep the mind busy-

  • Idleness is the surest and the easiest road to the downfall of a health seeker. Emptiness is always replaced by corrupt imagination or worry, both of which are the Devil’s Agents.
  • You control your mind or it controls you. There is no half way compromise. The most practical of all methods for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose backed by a definite plan.

3. Pranayama-

The best way to silence the mind is through pranayama. It makes the mind steady and burns the dross of the mind. It removes the passion and inertia. It increases the mental energy and develops thought control.

4. Noble Thought-

  • A noble thought is a potent antidote to counteract an evil thought
  • When you are obsessed by an evil or negative thought, divert the mind to some good or positive thought or repeat some mantras or attend to or concentrate on some of the yogic practice.
  • In case of any evil or negative thought, laugh it away. Laughter aids digestion and circulation and ha a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as well as on the mind.

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5. Good habits and Positive Qualities-

While going to bed at night and again getting up in the morning, repeat the Good habits and positive qualities, with intensity and feeling at least 10 times, keeping the body in a motionless and relaxed condition, say them from your heart and not from your mount- “ I am feeling repelled from the bad habit of smoking, gambling, drinking etc and I am giving them up” “I am getting better day by day and having good qualities, such as- love, celibacy, truthfulness etc.

6. Solutions for Emotions-


  • When angry- Count ten before you speak, if very angry, a hundred.
  • Dismiss anger with a happy thought or
  • Take a glass of water, wash face and eyes
  • Stand infront of mirror and laugh
  • Be not quick to anger


  • For greediness, opposite is generosity. But it should be within one’s means


  • Cast aside fear and learn to love others
  • Fear goes as soon as you start to do something
  • Meditation is the most important way to fight fear and insecurity


  • The best cure for worry is work, work and works only, or busies yourself in any hobby or any yogic practice
  • When you are worried, write down the facts on a piece of paper and tear it. Repeat it 2 or 3 times
  • When you are worried, do not eat. Take long, deep breaths, drink cold water and fruit juices, and bathe the head with cold water. That will soon take away your tendency to worry.

7. Techniques to steady the mind-

The Nasal Gaze:

sit in any comfortable asana with your spine erect. Throw your head back a little with a view to make the position of the eyeballs visible; now fix your eyes upon the tip of your nose.

The frontal Gaze: 

sit in any comfortable asana with your spine erect. Now fix your eyes upon the space between your eyebrows.

8. Technique to free the mind from physical disturbances-

Practice some yoga help to get rid of this situation, these asana are Uddiyana-Bandha(The raising of the diaphragm), Jalandhara-Bandha( The chin lock), Mula-Bandha (The Anal Contraction) and the meditative pose-Padmasana ( The lotus pose)

9. Ways and means to make the mind happy-

  • It the ductless glands are not disturbed by the Emotions but function properly, we will get the Happiness of the Mind
  • Happiness depends on what you can give, no what you can get.
  • If you want to be happy, make others happy
  • In short, to make the mind happy, one should be philanthropist, do social work, and take interest in others and also in Literature, sports, yoga, fine arts etc, Love all beings and be friendly with them etc.

10. Techniques to get concentration of mind-

Concentration means the power of giving undivided attention to something. When we are interested in something the close attention follows automatically, by arousing an interest in any work, you will surely make a success of that work. By interest, you give attention and then concentration follows. There is no job in the world that has not got its interesting side, provided you look for it with care, and once you have created some interest, you will automatically begin to attend to it. If you can arouse your own interest, will power and concentration will come as a natural consequence.

11. Techniques to cope with stress-

Twentieth century is sometimes rightly described as the “stress century”. One single factor that makes for happiness in living is the ability to cope with stress.
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Laughter
  • Brisk walk
  • To adapt himself to the ever changing circumstances
  • To maintain a state of mental equilibrium and
  • Positive attitude towards problems are the steps which can be adopted successfully to cope with stress

12. Techniques to tackle adverse circumstances-

Change the bad circumstances. If you can’t change them, adjust to them. “the sane and happy attitude is obviously to accept what cannot be altered, and to make up for deficiencies, weakness or unwholesome traits by sensible and continued practice of the dieting or exercise or the other course necessary. “ even if your work in not according to your own choice, make yourself enjoy it until it is changed. Make us believed that it is we who have to be changed, not our circumstances.

13. Daily exercise to overcome feeling of inferiority complex-

  • Get up in the morning thinking-“I am glad to be alive”. If you do this with conviction, you do actually tend to feel more vigorous and alive.
  • Try to go cheerfully through the day. When you go to bed, thing of successful things you have done during the day. Leave your problems for the next morning when your mind is fresher and you are less likely to make fatal mountains out of foolish mole-hills
  • Clean speech at all times- “Thank you”
  • If you have a particular ability, where you can do particularly well, go out of your way a little to improve upon it. If not well at dance, but good at foot ball, the practice the latter
  • Be generous

14. A method for the renewal of nervous strength (Power through repose)-

Technique- Lie down on your back, keeping it straight; with the arms a little away from the body; palms facing upwards; fingers slightly curled, and legs slightly apart. Keep the head in a convenient position. Close the eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Gradually relax muscles on all parts of the body from toes to head-feet, calves, knees, thighs, abdomen, back, hands, arms etc up to face and scalp. Now relax your mind and try to remove all the thoughts. Breathing out release all your tension, fatigue and worry. Inhale a feeling of vitality and well-being.

15. Technique to get peace of mind and happiness-

  • For the attainment of peace of mind, the control of desires and appetites is absolutely necessary.
  • This will increase the power of concentration and strengthen will power:
  • Keep yourself aloof from bad company
  • Take simple but nourishing food at regular intervals
  • Be moderate in your habits; cultivate temperance.
  • Desexualize your desires by spiritualizing them
  • Pray to God, as it a potent factor to bring peace of mind  

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Each and everyone in our life wants healthy and prosperous life and live longer, but our attitude towards life sometime may prevent to do such, here we have discussed 15 secret method to keep us healthy and help live longer in our life.                              

1 comment:

  1. Good habits are very important for forming a better personality from yourself, and developing it is the key to prosperity and happiness, in my opinion.
