to combat old age? The following are the ways and means to postpone our old age
and lead a healthy life till the last breath.
Need for Food-
- Young and growing body, physically active needs a great deal of carbohydrates, proteins, fats etc. to feed and repair the rapidly growing body. But after 30, growth ceases and there is much less physical activity and therefore much less need for these foods. As we advance in years, these foods should be reduced in amount but replaced by elimination fruits and vegetable.
- Now and then take Garlic, Ginger, Amla, Seeds and leaves for Fenugreek (Methi) according to your digestive power.
- To prevent premature old age, eat cantaloupe (Phoot), cashew nut, and potato, tomato, according to your digestive and eliminative powers.
- All flesh foods, coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, refined and processed foods and other stimulants and intoxicants etc. Should be abandoned
- Eat in moderation according to your digestive capacity. Excess of food interferes with the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal
- In your healthy state, a ratio of 80% Alkaline to 20% of Acid in needed. But whenever you are sick, Alkaline Diet should be cent percent, and it may be given in the shape of raw, boiled, soups or juices.
- Foods consisting of cellulose or roughage and water content are lighter and easier to digest and are also like laxatives.
- “The excessive use of table-salt causes premature old age as the arteries harden”
- Sit in Vajrasana after taking your meals or lie down on the left side of your body for a few moments.
- The whiter your bread, the sooner you are dead”.
Physical Exertion-
- Practice yogic postures, expecially-Uttanpad, Pawanmukta, Sarvang, Matsya, Shalabh, Bhujang, Dhanur, Pachimottan, Ardha-Matsyendra, an (Tad), etc. and
- Pranayama
- Especially-Anuloma-Viloma, Ujjayi, Shitali, Bhramari, Bhastrika etc. to preserve the elasticity of your and flexibility of arteries and blood vessels
- Those who can’t practice yogasana and pranayamas, they may do massage of the whole body, Brisk walking, running, jumping, jogging, dancing, clapping, swimming, deep breathing, laughing, singing etc. etc…..
- A scientific Massage prevents premature ageing and is conducive to a long life.
- “Laughter is a real medicine. It has optimistic vitamins in it. It revives like oxygen. It restores failing morale”
- Sublime music is a great tonic and sedative and it increases our energy and vitality”.
- Slow, long and deep breathing lengthens our life and enhances the power of living.
- Correct postures-lie down straight, walk erect, sit erect, stand erect, and keep your spine straight
- Technique to Delay the Old Age-give two minutes intermittent pressure with the thumb of left hand on the central point-one inch circle one right hand-between the wrist and elbow. This will enable one to maintain one’s youthfulness for a longer period and delay the old age.
- While pratising Sarvangasana on empty stomach; pull up the Anus, contract its muscles for a moment; then release its muscles and relax them. It is curative for constipation, piles and semen problem.
- Rest, sleep, meditation, silence, corpse posture, etc…. cure lots of psy-cho-somatic disorders. They relieve tension, anxiety, remove physical and mental fatigue: Corpse posture- it is effective for blood pressure, heart troubles, fatigue, headache, nervousness etc. etc….
- Meditation acts as yogic tranquillizer. It brings peace of mind, health, happiness and longevity etc.
- Rest is curative. A tired body cannot circulate blood properly
- Fasting will give your digestive system a rest and you may depend upon it that whenever the digestive organs complain, they need a rest.
- Observe silence (speechless, muteness) for a day or so. This will conserve your vitality and give you peace of mind
- Sleep is the best cure for waking trouble. It is a sort of prolonged relaxation. It refreshes and renovates both mind and body.
Keep the Mind Busy-
is the surest and the easiest road to the downfall of a health seeker. Emptiness
is always replaced by corrupt imagination or worry, both of which are the Devil’s
Agents. You should not remain idle or lazy. Work, work, do not idle-that is the
rule for the healthy life”. Your energy must be directed to creative activities
such as- reading good books, writing, hand work, painting, gardening, or any interesting things or music, etc.
Have Baths-
- Air-bath relieves tension. It is effective for nervous disorders, insomnia, skin diseases, T.B, obesity, asthma, etc..
- Sun-bath is effective in all cases of malnutrition, T.B, anemia, inactivity of skin, obesity etc..
- Water-bath opens up the pores of the body to eliminate the poisons in the body through perspiration. It makes us free of diseases and gives us strength
- Mud or Clay-bath is the best remedy against boils, psoriasis, eczema, rashes etc.”In high fever, an application of mud poultice on the head and abdomen is very useful”
Healthy Thoughts for Youthfulness-
- Have optimistic attitude of Life-Think your, feel young, and act young. Thus you will remain young.
- There is not physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the ills of the body
- Have only positive thoughts and not negative one’s which lead to ailments and diseases
- In case of any evil or negative thought, laugh it away. Laughter aids digestion and circulation and has rejuvenating effect on the entire body as well as on the mind.
- While going to bed, throw off all the cares and worries of the day, but pray to God for health and longevity. Meditate, and relax in corpse posture.
- When you get up in the morning, don’t say- “I feel one day younger”.
Balanced Mind and Controlled Emotions-
- In the beginning the mind may be restrained or silenced by Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Trataka etc; but the best way to silence the mind is through pranayama. It makes the mind steady and burns the dross of the mind. It increases the mental energy and develops thought control
- “When angry, count then before your speak if very angry a hundred.”
- Dismiss anger with a happy thought
- Take a glass of water, wash face and eyes
- Do shitali pranayama
- Meditation is the most important way to fight fear and insecurity. Though it we succeed to tranquilize the mind.
- Unless you control your mind and emotions, your chances of permanent health, youthfulness and long life are prejudiced.
are endless things to keep you away from boredom and tension of life. In your
leisure you can take up fine arts, hobbies, playing; social work or voluntary
service in the hospitals, blind school, visit holy places, go on tours,
picnics, excursions; wee cartoons and films; read comics, tit-bits; etc. recreations
will keep you evergreen. They will add spice to life.
To combat
with old age there is no miracle waiting for us overnight it can be done. It is
only possible by practicing above method and changes our attitude towards the
life to live healthy and longer life.
amazing post, its very helpful for health