Monday, March 11, 2019

30 super food’s health benefits

30 super food’s health benefits, it’s absolutely treat to know the health benefits of 30 food together, which play a great role to live us healthy and quality life, here it goes-

1. Guava-

  • It helps in removing constipation and strengthening the nervous system.
  • Good for heart, diarrhea, pyorrhea, gout and scurvy etc..

2. Mango-

  • It regularizes digestion, removes constipation, increases weight, and ensures good eyesight.
  • Helpful in Liver disorders, sexual weakness etc.

3. Walnut-

  • It helps in intellectual enrichment, removes constipation, and increases weight.
  • Useful for tapeworm and externally for eczema etc

4. Pineapple-

  • Remedies irritation of throat cures digestive disorders and problems of the stomach, diphtheria, and jaundice.
  • This fruit controls blood pressure

Note: Avoid it during pregnancy

5. Gooseberry-

It clears the stomach, give luster to the skin, aids, in the cure of scurvy and produce dark hair.
It is rich in vitamins C. Ten mls of gooseberry juice with honey add to your strength.

6. Potato-

  • Increases weight
  • It is useful for rheumatism, scurvy, swellings acidosis, rickets, and stomach disorders and can be used as a substitute for starch.

7. Grapes-

  • Cleans constipation, solves kidney problems, aids in the cure of rheumatism, malfunctioning of the liver as in jaundice, anemia, liver enlargement and diseases of the pancreas
  • Weight increases

8. Figs-

  • It’s helpful in digestive disorders, constipation, Asthma, piles, anemia, cough, liver problems and colds.
  • Helpful for Seminal weakness, leucorrhoea, epistaxis

9. Banana-

  • It cures loose motion, stomach disorders, helps in the formation of muscles, increase weight.

10. Water melon-

  • It is a blood purifier
  • It cures skin trouble in the foot during the rainy season, eczema, and indigestion.
  • It hydrates the body

11. Cucumber-

  • Useful in clearing blocks in the urinary passage, removes constipation and brings down fever.
  • It is well balanced, highly alkaline food and good for growth and repair. It has protein, fat, carbohydrates, and vitamin-A, B, C & salts.
  • It is good blood builder and purifier and a good nerve, brain and skin food. It is laxative and eliminator. It is a semi-fruit that may be eaten with vegetables, cereals, fruits, nuts, or salads.
  • It is useful for arthritis, gout.
  • It also serves roughage, but should be eaten sparingly otherwise it may lead to gas formation.

12. Dates-

  • It increases weight, cures anemia and constipation.
  • It is wholesome and easily digested and energizing and assimilated
  • Rich in lime, iron, vitamins, protein and other good constituents
  • Date and milk are good for ulcerated stomach.

13. Carrot-

  • Useful in eye diseases, skin troubles, tuberculosis, nervous weakness cancer, and cure constipation
  • It helps to cure diarrhea, thread worms, digestive disorder.

14. Snake Guard-

  • It cleans the stomach, useful in curing stomach diseases and in cases of tuberculosis.

15. Coriander Leaves-

  • It cures anemia, burning sensation while passing urine and liver disorder.

16. Tomato-

  • It Beneficial for liver disorders, rheumatism, bile and malaria, acidosis, diabetes, obesity, urinary and eye disorders, premature old age.

17. Sesame-

  • It is rich in calcium, helps in curing graying and removing birth spots on the skin and clear constipation.

18. Coconut-

  • It is very nutritive, clears constipation, and increases weight, useful for the lungs.
  • This contains alkaline fat, useful in digestive disorders and acidity and scanty urine etc

19. Lemon-

  • It is useful in toning up the liver, relieves headache, vomiting, stomach disorders, rheumatism and constipation.
  • An American scholar has said, “It is really strange that it is not weighted in gold”

20. Papaya-

  • It clears constipation, helps in digesting protein
  • Soup or raw papaya with skin or seeds removes liver disorder and assists in intestinal functions.

21. Cabbage-

  • It cures kidney problem, anemia, ulcer, and jaundice, blood poisoning and useful in bowel cancer.
  • It is valuable for teeth, gum, hair, rheumatism, and bones. Those who pass calcium oxalates in urine should avoid cabbage.
  • Raw cabbage juice is effective in the healing of ulcers-stomach, duodenal and peptic.

22. Spinach-

  • It purifies blood, clears constipation, and cures anemia and diseases of the liver and spleen.
  • Acidosis is cured, effective in night blindness

23. Onion-

  • It is rich in Vitamin C, good in B and fain in A,
  • They are antiseptic. One teaspoon of raw onion juice on rising in excellent for heart cases and blood cholesterol, it liquefies phlegm and prevents its further formation
  • It is useful in cholera along with lime-water and camphor.
  • It is good for nerves, anemia and insomnia
  • For dropsy, onions in combination with milk are supposed to be curative
  • It is effective on cirrhosis. It should be taken raw with meals, as cooked one is gas forming.
  • It should be cut and eaten before meal time.

24. Almond-

  • It can be substitute for milk, increases weight, and cures nervous weakness, anemia, constipation, impotency and diabetes.

25. Garlic-

  • It is effective in cases of high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism and gout, disorders of nervous system and skin blemishes, intestinal disorders like diarrhea, flatulence, lung affection like T.B
  • Its juice is used for ear-ache and for washing wounds.

26. Raspberry-

  • It purifies blood, clears constipation and reduces weight.

27. Honey-

  • It clears the stomach and intestines, cures cold, help overcome weakness and palpitation of the heart.
  • Honey is generally good for all conditions.

28. Orange-

  • It contains protective food elements- vitamin A, B, C & calcium. The health promoting and good to digestive organs, kidneys, blood vessels and nervous system, dental health
  • Good for growing children, it is alkaline in reaction, during illness and fever, orange juice is very helpful. It is best cleaner.

29. Apple-

  • It is good for child, old, and invalid, sluggish liver etc. it is a sub acid fruit, beneficial to the bowels, brain, etc. raw are good for constipation, but cooked are good for diarrhea.
  • Apple juice can be tolerated in gout, rheumatism, and other similar conditions when acid juices or oranges, grapes fruit, lemon etc cannot be taken.

30. Pomegranate-

  • The juice of a single pomegranate has more than 40 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C
  • Pomegranate juice recently made a splash when researchers found that it may help stop the growth of prostate cancer cells. Despite multiple studies on the effects of the juice on prostate cancer, results are still preliminary.
  • It cures digestive disorder, heart diseases, control Hypertension and diabetes
  • It helps to cure arthritis, and it is antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

Looking to these 30 super food’s health benefits, we should include some of them in our daily life to get much more benefits to keep our health healthy and fit.


  1. Awesome Information. Very useful information provided in this article thanks for sharing,keep sharing this.

  2. Interesting writing and very useful information.....
