Thursday, January 24, 2019

How to cope Panic attack, Anxiety and Depression in our life?

how to cope with anxiety and panic attacks, Panic attacks, anxiety, depression, panic disorder, how to stop a panic attack, panic attack symptoms, , how to stop panic attacks, how to deal with anxiety

How to cope Panic attack, Anxiety and Depression in our life? are the most threat full stuff in our life, that all comes from the mostly one biggest source that is our stressful living.

How to anyone experience stress, when person do not have enough resource to cope with the any unfavorable situation, then he feel threaten and tense and become stressful, let me clear you by giving one example like if you do not have enough financial resource then you have to face trouble if any financial need come such as medical purpose or anything else, same way if you do not have enough mental resources then stress come easily, that is why we can see different people react differently with the same situation, some may take it easy and some commit suicide.

So question is how you develop your mental resource, only it can be possible by gathering so much knowledge about mind and spirit and the diseases like that, which are mostly unfocused in our busy life and we find no time to culture about mind and spirit which drive our body.
Here we will be discussing all about this subject and how to get rid of this situation in our life-

Panic attack and panic disorder:

Panic attack is the abrupt on set of intense fear that reaches a peak within minute and includes at least four of the following symptoms, when panic attack frequently come then it called panic disorder.


· Increase palpitation and pounding heart
· Sweating
· Trembling or shaking
· Sensation of shortness of breath
· Feelings of chocking
· Chest pain or discomfort
· Light headache, feeling dizzy
· Fear of heart attack
· Fear of dying


 Instant remedies:

  • Distracted mind from the situation happening within
  • Don’t try to fight with the kind of discomfort feeling because it is cyclic      process when you fear more it attack you more, it is simply happen to        think about that what happening to me or am I going to die, but one          thing I want to clarify about chest discomfort which most common            symptom of panic attack it is nothing but muscle tightness we feel like      heart attack, its goes away after sometime
  • Embrace it instead of fight because it is not life threatening.
  • If uncontrolled seek for medical help

Long term remedies:

  •  Practice meditation or other relaxation techniques, it is my life time advice for everyone and particularly in this case works very well you will be benefited.
  •  Do every day some physical activities, exercise, yoga, morning walk at least 30 minutes morning time or evening time.
  • Change your thought process always try to think positive and be positive at every steps in your life
  •   Engage yourself at a busy schedule like, playing, social activities etc.
  •   If possible travel somewhere it release tension and stress from our       boring  life.
  •   Counseling and Cognitive Behavioral therapy gives better result.
  •   If need visit psychiatric and neurologist.

We have found many person unable to find out their diseases initially and even after recognize they try to hide from their family and friend, just because what other will think, but now a days this is most common disease and to be cure family person need to support them more and more.


Anxiety is out body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear about what’s to come. The first day of school, going to a job interview or giving a speech may cause most people to feel fearful and nervous.
But if your feelings of anxiety are extreme, last for longer than six months, and are interfering with your life, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Type of anxiety disorder:

1. Panic disorder: experiencing recurring panic attacks, a person with panic disorder may live in fear of the next panic attack

2. Phobia-excessive fear of a specific object, situation or activity

3. Social anxiety disorder- extreme fear of being judged by others in social situations

4. Obsessive compulsive disorder: recurring irrational thoughts that lead you to perform specific repeated behaviors

5. Separation anxiety disorder-fear of being away from home or loved one

6. Illness anxiety disorder-anxiety about your health

7. Post traumatic stress disorder-anxiety following a traumatic event

Symptom of anxiety:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • Restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating
  •  Difficulty falling asleep

Natural remedies are used for anxiety:

  1. Getting enough sleep
  2.  Meditating
  3.  Staying active and exercising
  4.  Eating healthy diet
  5. Staying active and working out
  6. Avoid alcohol
  7. Avoid caffeine
  8. Quitting smoking cigarette

These lifestyle changes seem like a positive way to help you eliminate certain kind of disease.


Sadness, feeling down, having a loss of interest or pleasure in any daily activities-these are symptoms familiar to all of us. But if they persist and affect our life substantially it is called depression.

According to the work health organization (WHO) depression is the most common illness worldwide and the leading cause of disability. They estimate 350 million people are affected by depression globally.

Facts on depression:

Depression seems to be more common among women than man
Symptom includes lack of joy and reduces interest in things that used to bring person happiness.

Live events, such as bereavement produce mood changes that can usually be distinguished from the feature of depression.
The causes of depression are not fully understand, but likely to be a complex, combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors.

Signs and symptoms:-

Symptoms of depression can include-

  •   Depressed mood
  •  Reduce interest or pleasure activities, loss of sexual desire
  •  Unintentional weight loss or low appetite
  •  Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping)
  •  Fatigue or loss of energy
  •  Feeling of worthlessness or guilt
  •  Impaired ability to think, concentrate or make decision
  •  Recurrent thought of death or suicide or attempt at suicide


  • Genetics
  • Biological
  • Environmental
  • Psychological
  • And social
  • Personality; those with less successful coping strategies
  • Childhood trauma
  • Some prescription drugs
  • Abuse of recreational drugs: abuse of alcohol, amphetamines
  • Past episode major shock
  • A past head injury
  • Chronic pain syndromes: such as diabetes, heart diseases, pulmonary diseases, and kidney diseases etc


Panic disorder, anxiety and depression are the treatable mental illnesses and there are three components to the management of depression.
  1.  Support: - ranging from discussion practical solution and contributing stress, to education family members.
  2.  Psychotherapy: - also known as talking therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (C.B.T)
  3.  Drug treatment, specifically       antidepressant
  4.   Exercise and other therapies
  5.   Electroconvulsive therapy

Finally one thing is very important what I would like to share with viewer is, knowledge about this kind of disease help you to cure at least 50% because if we do not have idea about this that means unnecessarily we become much afraid and situation will uncontrolled and we feel we are going to die but this is our mind myth that lead us suffer for a longer period of time.

final word we hope this article will help you to cope with panic attacks, anxiety, anxiety disorder & depression.

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