Thursday, January 31, 2019

How to take care of newborn baby?

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Take care of new born baby is very much essential because, every new parent wants to do as much as possible right when it comes to their precious newborn. From burping your baby to dressing him to cutting those tiny nails, it can all seem pretty challenging sometimes. Luckily, with a little practice, you'll be a pro in no time.
Tips to Take care of new born baby initial 10 Days:

  • Breastfeed the Baby

A newborn baby should only be breastfed, when he is breathing comfortably. If the baby is facing any problems after clearing of airways, he should not be forced to have feed.

  • Let the Baby Breathe

Allow the newborn to breathe properly. This can be done by clearing the mucous and amniotic fluid from his mouth and nose. This is a practice which is usually followed after the child’s birth.

  • Check Baby's Heartbeats

A doctor always checks the baby’s pulse soon after his birth. 100 BPM is considered to be the usual newborn heart rate. If the pulse is less than that, the baby can be artificially ventilated on a doctor’s advice. It is very easy to judge the newborn’s heartbeats, even without any pediatric stethoscope.

  • Keep the Child Warm

Immediately after birth, it is essential to keep the child warm. Following his birth, dry him nicely with a cloth and make sure he is covered, from head to toe. Placing the baby on the mother’s chest or abdomen is a good option to provide him the necessary warmth.

  • Clean the Umbilical Cord

By cutting the Umbilical cord, the baby gets separated from its mother’s body. It is therefore very important to use sterilized instruments for the same. The cord has to be cleaned and dried very carefully. The everyday cleaning of the umbilical cord with alcohol would not allow any kind of infection or bacterial growth.

  • Observe Lack of Vitamins

A newborn is generally observed lacking vitamin K, so a natural vitamin K injection of 0.5 to 1.0 mg is given to them a few hours after their birth. This prevents hemorrhagic disease, which affects one in 10.000 babies.

  • Be Patient

Newborns are very sensitive, so the immediate care of newborns is an important process that requires a lot of knowledge and patience. Newborns have to be cared for diligently, so they remain healthy and strong in the short-term and have a platform to take into adulthood.

  • Take Shifts

When the cranky baby starts giving you sleepless nights, both parents should start taking turns. If the mother has been up all day trying to soothe the baby, the father must take care of the nights.

  • Mimic the Womb

Swaddle, shush and swing when your baby gets fussy. Hold the baby to your side to give a calming reflex.
Taking care of a newborn is obviously a challenge when it is your first time. So, here are ten ways that will assist you in taking care of a newborn baby.
After ten days over, you need to follow the following 8 necessary steps to keep your baby healthy.


It is very important to feed the baby on time. A newborn has to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, which means you need to nurse her 8-12 times in 24 hours. An infant should be fed only breast milk for the first 6 months of life. Breast milk contains vital nutrients and antibodies that are required for a baby’s survival and growth.


Once the baby is fed, she needs to be burped. Babies swallow air while feeding, which causes gas and colic in their tummies. Burping expels this excess air, thus aiding in digestion and preventing spit-ups and stomach colic. Gently hold the baby against your chest with one hand. Her chin should rest on your shoulder. Pat or stroke her back very gently with your other hand until she burps.

3.How to Hold Your Newborn:

It is very important to ensure that you are supporting your baby’s head and neck with one hand while holding her. This is because her neck muscles are not yet strong enough to hold up the head independently. The backbone is also still growing and becoming stronger. The neck will be able to support the head on its own only after 3 months of age. So pay attention to supporting your baby’s head and neck while taking care of a newborn baby.

4.Umbilical Cord Stump Care:

An important aspect of newborn baby care in the 1st month is caring for the umbilical cord stump. Do not bathe your baby for the initial 2-3 weeks. Give her a sponge bath instead with lukewarm water. Keep the navel area clean and dry. Keep the baby’s diaper folded down so that the stump can dry. Disinfect your hands before handling the navel area. To clean, use a damp cloth and dry with a clean, absorbent cloth.


Changing diapers frequently is an important aspect when taking care of a newborn baby after delivery. If your baby is getting sufficient breast milk or formula, she will wet at least 6 to 8 diapers in a day, along with regular bowel movements. Change her diaper frequently, as soon as it feels full. You may even have to change it at least 10 times a day.


Bathing a newborn is a delicate task. You should start bathing the baby 2 to 3 times a week after the cord stump dries and falls off. Make sure you have all the bathing and changing supplies ready before you take the baby for a bath. Bath time just before bedtime helps babies sleep more soundly. You will need an infant bathtub, lukewarm water, mild baby soap or body wash, a washcloth, soft towel, new diaper, and fresh baby clothes. Get your partner or a family member to help, so that one person can hold the baby’s neck and head above the water while the other bathes the baby.


Massaging is a great way to bond with your baby. It also helps in soothing the baby to sleep and in improving blood circulation and digestion. Spread a small quantity of baby oil or lotion on your hands. Next, gently and rhythmically stroke her body. Maintain eye contact with the baby and talk to her when massaging her body. A good time to massage the baby is before her bath.


Newborns need to sleep for about 16 hours a day in the first 2 months. They usually take naps that are 2 to 4 hours long and wake up if they are hungry or wet. As the baby needs to be fed every 3 hours, you may need to wake her and feed her. Do not worry in case she does not follow the ideal newborn sleep pattern. Every baby is different and has a different sleep cycle. You should also remember to alternate your baby’s head position while she is sleeping. This prevents the formation of flat spots on the head. Make sure you put the baby to sleep on her back to avoid suffocation. A mother should try to take naps along with the baby. She can also use the time to have a bath or eat a meal peacefully while her baby is asleep.

The first few months with your newborn can be chaotic and overwhelming for first-time parents. You will get all kinds of contradicting advice from everyone about newborn baby care. Deciding what advice to follow in regards to newborn care can be confusing. Caring for a newborn is exhausting and challenging, but it is also one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences of your life.
We hope this articles will help you to take care of your new born  well and hackle free.
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15 Health Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

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Health Tips for a Healthy pregnancy is very much essential for staying healthy during pregnancy, if you're pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you probably know some of the basic pregnancy advice about taking care of yourself and the baby.

Here are more valuable pregnancy tips, from taking vitamins to what to do with the kitty litter that can help ensure safe and healthy prenatal development.

1.For a Healthy Pregnancy see your doctor or midwife: 

As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, get yourself registered for antenatal care. Make an appointment with your GP or a  midwife at your local surgery or children's centre. Or register online with your local maternity service. 

Organizing your care early means you’ll get good advice for a healthy pregnancy right from the start. You’ll also have plenty of time to organize your diary for ultrasound scans and tests that you may need.

2.Take a Prenatal Vitamin:

Even when you're still trying to conceive, it's smart to start taking parental care. Your baby's neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the  first month of pregnancy, so it's important you get essential nutrients, like folic acid, calcium, and iron, from the very start.

3.Eat Folate-Rich Foods:

In addition to drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day, you should eat five or six well-balanced meals with plenty of folate-rich foods like fortified cereals, asparagus, lentils, wheat germ, oranges, and orange juice. "Folic acid is crucial for the proper development of the baby's neural tube (it covers the spinal cord), and it's vital for the creation of new red blood cells," says Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D., author of Feed the Belly

4.Eat Enough Food:

We know—you're eating for two. But packing on too many extra pounds may make them hard to lose later. At the same time, not gaining enough weight can put the baby at risk for a low-weight birth, a major cause of developmental problems.
But what should be the ideal food of an expectant mother? And what about the diet of the woman who has suppose to give birth to a child?

The food of expectant mother is not something special. Only thing is she should not overeat under the impression that she needs more nutrition for the child which is growing in her body. Her diet should, however, include enough of fruit, vegetables and milk.

5.Educate Yourself:

Even if this isn't your first baby, attending a childbirth class will help you feel more prepared for delivery. Not only will you have the chance to  learn more about child birth and infant care, but you can ask specific questions and voice any concerns. You'll also become more acquainted with the facility and its staff.
Now is also a good time to brush up on your family's medical history. Talk to your doctor about problems with past pregnancies, and report any family incidences of birth defects.

6.Get some rest:

The fatigue you feel in the first few months is due to high levels of pregnancy hormones circulating in your body. 

Try to get in the habit of  going to sleep on your side. By the third trimester, sleeping on your side reduces the risk of stillbirth compared to sleeping on your back.

If your  sleep is disturbed at night, try to take a quick nap in the middle of the day or go to bed early to catch up. If that’s impossible, at least put your feet up and try to relax for 30 minutes. 

If backache is disturbing your sleep, try lying on your side with your knees bent. Placing a wedge-shaped pillow under your bump may help ease the strain on your back. 

7.Mild Exercise:

Staying active is important for your general health and can help you reduce stress, control your weight, improve circulation, boost your mood, and sleep better. Take a pregnancy exercise class or walk at least 15-20 minutes every day at a moderate pace, in cool, shaded areas or indoors in order to prevent overheating. 
Pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking are also great activities for most pregnant women, but be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program.

8.Indulge Yourself:

You may think you're busy now, but once the baby comes, you'll have even fewer precious moments to yourself. Be sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a night, and if you're suffering from sleep disturbances, take naps during the day and see your physician if the situation doesn't improve.

9.Be careful about food hygiene:

Thoroughly wash utensils, boards and your hands after handling raw meat, Store raw foods separately from ready-to-eat foods. Food hygiene is especially important now you’re pregnant.

10.Wear Sunscreen:

Being pregnant makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight, so you're more prone to sunburn and chloasma, those dark, blotchy spots that sometimes appear on the face. Apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher (many brands now offer chemical-free formulas, if you prefer a green option) and wear a hat and sunglasses.

11.Cut out alcohol:

Any  alcohol you drink rapidly reaches your baby via your bloodstream and the placenta.
There is no way to know for sure  how much alcohol is safe during pregnancy That’s why many experts advise you to cut out alcohol completely while you’re expecting.

It’s particularly important to avoid too much alcohol during the first trimester and the third trimester. 

In the first trimester, drinking alcohol can increase your risk of miscarriage, while in the third trimester it can affect your baby's brain development. 

12.Cut back on caffeine:

Too much  caffeine may increase your risk of miscarriage. Caffeine is in coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and energy drinks. 

Some experts have suggested that too much caffeine may contribute to your risk of having a  low birth weight baby, although more research is needed to be sure. 

Current guidelines state that up to 200mg of caffeine a day won’t cause harm to your developing baby. That’s the equivalent of two mugs of instant coffee.

13.Stop smoking:

Smoking during pregnancy can cause serious health problems for you and your baby. Smoking increases your baby’s risk of:
  •         Premature birth
  •         Low birth weight
  •         Stillbirth
  •         Sudden infant death syndrome

Smoking also makes the following pregnancy complications more likely:

  •         Miscarriage
  •         Ectopic pregnancy
  •         Placental abruption

14.Write a Birth Plan:

Write down your wishes and give a copy to everyone involved with the delivery. According to the American Pregnancy Association, here are some things to consider when 

Wright your birth plan:

- Who you want present, including children or siblings of the baby
- Procedures you want to avoid
- What positions you prefer for labor and delivery
- Special clothing you'd like to wear
- Whether you want music or a special focal point
- Whether you want pain medications, and what kind
- What to do if complications arise

15.Know When to Call the Doctor:

Being pregnant can be confusing, especially if it's your first time. How do you know isn’t? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

- Pain of any kind
- Strong cramps
- Contractions at 20-minute intervals
- Vaginal bleeding or leaking of fluid
- Dizziness or fainting
- Shortness of breath
- Heart palpitations
- Constant nausea and vomiting
- Trouble walking, edema (swelling of joints)
- Decreased activity by the baby

This is the high time to care of mother during pregnancy, because healthy baby is fully depends on mothers take care of herself, so we hope this article will help every pregnant women for their healthy pregnancy.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

15 Top Health Benefits of Yoga

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Health Benefits of Yoga are uncountable, and so many physical and mental benefits of it help people healthy living in their life, you’ve probably heard by now that yoga is good for you. Maybe you've even tried it and discovered that it makes you feel better. A consistent practice offers all kinds of mental and physical health benefits. 

Some, like improved flexibility, are clearly evident. Others, including mental clarity and stress reduction, may be more subtle but are just as powerful. When putting together, all the benefits below contribute to an increased feeling of well-being, which helps explain why so many people find yoga so addictive.

Physical benefits:

So many number of physical health benefits are available doing yoga everyday-

 1.Improve Heart Health:

From pumping blood throughout the body to supplying tissues with important nutrients, the health of your heart is an essential component of overall health.
Studies show that yoga may help improve heart health and reduce several risk factors for heart disease.

2.Lowers blood sugar:

Yoga lowers blood sugar and LDL ("bad") cholesterol and boosts HDL ("good") cholesterol. In people with diabetes, yoga has been found to lower blood sugar in several ways: by lowering cortical and adrenaline levels, encouraging weight loss, and improving sensitivity to the effects of insulin. Get your blood sugar levels down, and you decrease your risk of diabetic complications such as heart attack, kidney failure, and blindness.

 3.Increases your blood flow:

Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is released.

Inverted poses, such as Headstand, and Shoulder stand, encourage venous blood from the legs and pelvis to flow back to the heart where it can be pumped to the lungs to be freshly oxygenated. This can help if you have swelling in your legs from heart or kidney problems. Yoga also boosts levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the tissues. And it thins the blood by making platelets less sticky and by cutting the level of clot-promoting proteins in the blood. This can lead to a decrease in heart attacks and strokes since blood clots are often the cause of these killers.

 4.Maintains your nervous system:

Some advanced yogis can control their bodies in extraordinary ways, many of which are mediated by the nervous system. Scientists have monitored yogis who could induce unusual heart rhythms, generate specific brain-wave patterns, and, using a meditation technique, raise the temperature of their hands by 15 degrees Fahrenheit. If they can use yoga to do that, perhaps you could learn to improve blood flow to your pelvis if you're trying to get pregnant or induce relaxation when you're having trouble falling asleep.

5.Boosts your immune system functionality:

Asana and pranayama probably improve immune function, but, so far, meditation has the strongest scientific support in this area. It appears to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system, boosting it when needed and lowering it when needed.

 6.Improve digestive system:

Ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation—all of these can be exacerbated by stress. So if you stress less, you'll suffer less. Yoga, like any physical exercise, can ease constipation—and theoretically lower the risk of colon cancer—because moving the body facilitates more rapid transport of food and waste products through the bowels. And, although it has not been studied scientifically, yogis suspect that twisting pose may be beneficial in getting waste to move through the system.

 7.Improves Flexibility: 

Moving and stretching in new ways will help you become more flexible, bringing a greater range of motion to tight areas. Over time, you can expect to gain flexibility in your hamstrings, back, shoulders, and hips. As we age, our flexibility usually decreases, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting, which leads to pain and immobility. Yoga can help reverse this process.

8.Builds Strength:

Many yoga poses require you to bear your body weight in new ways, including balancing on one leg or supporting yourself with your arms holding these poses over the course of several breaths helps build muscular strength.

9.Prevents Back Pain:

Increased flexibility and strength can help prevent the causes of some types of back pain. Many people who have back pain spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or driving a car, which causes tightness throughout the body and spinal compression. Yoga counteracts these conditions.

10.Teaches Better Breathing:

Most of us take shallow breaths and don't give much thought to how we breathe. Yoga breathing exercises, called pranayam, focus our attention on breathing and teach us how to take deeper breaths, which benefits the entire body. Certain types of breath can also help clear the nasal passages and even calm the nervous system, which has physical and mental benefits on and off the mat.

Mental benefits:

Aside from the physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which is known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. “Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate.

 11.Fosters Mental Calmness:

Yoga asana practice is intensely physical. Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing calmness to your mind. Yoga also introduces you to meditation practice such as how to focus on your breath and disengage from your thoughts. These skills can prove to be very valuable in intense situations off the mat, like childbirth,  or when having an  anxiety attack.

 12.Reduces Stress:

Physical activity is good for relieving stress, and this is particularly true of yoga. Because of the concentration required, your daily troubles, both large and small, seem to melt away during the time you are on the mat. This provides a much-needed break from your stressor, as well as helping to put your problems into perspective. The emphasis yoga places on being in the present moment can also help as you learn not to dwell on past events or anticipate the future. You will leave a yoga class feeling less stressed than when you started.

13.Relieves Anxiety:

Many people begin practicing yoga as a way to cope with feelings of anxiety.Interestingly enough, there is quite a bit of research showing that yoga can help reduce anxiety.

14.Fight Depression:

Some studies show that yoga may have an anti-depressant effect and could help decrease symptoms of depression.
This may be because yoga is able to reduce a stress hormone that influences levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter often associated with depression.

 15.Increases Self Confidence: 

Doing yoga improves your mind-body connection, giving you a better awareness of your own body. During yoga, you learn to make small, subtle movements to improve your alignment, putting you in better touch with your physical being. You also learn to accept your body as it is without judgment. Over time, this leads to feeling more comfortable in your own body, boosting your self-confidence.

Final word hope this article will help you take the huge benefits of yoga for your good health.

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Monday, January 28, 2019

In our life 5- Most Closest things we cannot choose

Life, 5 things that are ruining your life, 5 things, real life lore, life purpose, life changing advice

In Our Life 5- Most Closest Things we cannot choose, We may think we are living in a free world where we can choose each and everything whatever we like, but it is one kind of illusion, but how? I am going to show you most practical things in our life we are unable to choose, even some time we say we are in democratic world so we should have freedom to choose anything which is attach in our life, but actual fact is that, yes, we can choose our color of dress, we can choose our size of shoe and we can choose our gadget.

But in our life 5- most important things we cannot choose what so ever-

  1.      Our date of birth
  2.     Our neighbors
  3.      Our parents and family
  4.     Our Diseases
  5.      When we will die?

We live in such a wonderful world where we have each and everything to live our life, but most of the time we are unhappy, grumbling, try to search happiness in wealth or gadget, which is completely our mind illusion, because our feelings of gratitude gives us happiness which is completely depends upon our pure mind, that’s why you can see person sleeping road side or slam area , they seem to be more happy than so many others who acquired so many things in their life.

But most important things about life is “there are things you cannot change , but there are things you can changethat is your mind and attitude which play a great role to make you happy and prosperous, one interest fact about mind is, it has such a power that it can make you experience heaven sitting in heal ,and other way around it can make you experience heal sitting in the heaven.

Our date of birth:

Our date of birth and our name we do not choose, but we accept it celebrate it and move ahead, every times things may not come in favor of us if we believe it then our life will be happy and prosperous. Many person believe that date of birth and time is very important in their life to become a lucky or unlucky, it is kind of belief system we have, nothing to do about it, but we can’t decide who will be birth when?

Our neighbors:

We may build our house at any location but who will be our neighbor it will not have in our hand because anybody can be our neighbor, either we like it or don't like it, it does not matter, many kind of disturbance may come from neighborhood, sometime we even fight with them but we have no choice what so ever.

Let me give you a broad example if chosen neighbor would have in our hand, then we never chosen Pakistan and china as our neighbor becoming Indian because so much our revenue are wasting for those country of becoming our neighbor, another most interesting example is, if any United State (US) soldier fight in Afghanistan heating the afghan and die and later if he born in Afghanistan he will begin his day heating American, what a world we are living in.

Our parent and family:

Some time most of our problem arise from our family but interesting  fact is that we have no choice to choose our parent , brother and sister, some time we even blame our parents for not providing our required things or even our own fate because they unable to provide us enough resource that’s why we could not reach such and such position and blame them for our ill fate, but we have no choice.

And other hand parents also do not have any choice whose going to be his child and blame them not to following their instruction or how they want to be like , most of the cases they unable to do it, that’s why they depressed, frustrated and unhappy to think about their future if they unable to become successful in their life.

Similarly brother, sister, spouse also fight with each other, because their mind frequency some time not matched, except that, they accept each other and move ahead, because they do not have choice.

Our Disease:

This is most interesting and practical things because nobody want to inflicted by diseases and every one want to live healthy life, but always it is not in our hand, if it would have happened then no eye surgeon should not have eye glasses and we have seen most of eye surgeon wearing glasses, and no heart surgeon should not have bypass surgery, I think many heart specialist have bypass surgery and no oncologist should have acidity, I hope most of them have acidity.

So as a common man what we will do, we have no choice about diseases, sometime we have inflicted such as disease like type-1 diabetes, HIV, or any other chronic disease which occur due to our genetic disorder ,so how can anyone say we are living in a free world and we can choose anything?

When we die?

This is most mysterious word for all of us as a human being when we will die (except suicide)? in a simple sense we can say, it's just one breath away, but we are not living with this sense, because as a human being now a day, we estimated our life probable 70-80 years longer we are going to live.

And according to that we make our different kind of goal, plan and everything, there is nothing wrong about it, but we are very rarely think about our date of last breath, that's why so much anti-social activities, rape, crime are happening day by day, because at any cost, we are trying to decorate our life with many dream, desire and everything, but most important thing we do not acknowledge in our life when we are going to die.

We have no choice and control over all these things in out life which I mentioned elaborately, but since we are not bothering about it.

final word we hope this article will help you to know in life 5-most closest things we have no choice

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