Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Great Philosophy of eating Natural Food

  • It is misnomer to call fresh vegetables and fruits as Raw Foods. Those are in fact Sun Cooked, ready for useful consumption. Sun, which is the source of all energy, and without which there would have been no existence in the world, have it’s by powerful rays, enshrined in vegetables, fruits and cereals all those necessary elements, fundamentally required for body building, repair and maintenance. It is a great pity that we in our ignorance interfere in the designs of God and instead of eating those foods in their natural form as intended by HIM, we subject it to heat which destroys 80% of the valuable elements in it and then consume it with pride thereby subjecting ourselves to untold misery. It must be clearly understood that the entire misery of Mankind is because of cooking and drugs.

  • After the creation of Universe everything that has been evolved whether inert or lives has a chemistry of its own. Several elements have been synthesized into certain fixed proportion which gave it some color, shape and quality. Take for instance water. This is the creation of two gases hydrogen and oxygen, mixed together in the proportion, no water can be formed. This is true of everything we see in this whole creation. If this unchangeable law of God is understood with all its implications it becomes very easy to understand and imbibe the great importance and necessity of eating for healthful living.

  • As explained above water is composed of certain elements in a fixed proportion, similarly the live cells of our body are made up of certain elements in a predetermined proportion. It therefore becomes clear to anyone who can apply his brain and mind that for the proper and healthy growth of the live cells, for their maintenance, proper functioning and repair those very elements, which have already been set apart by God Almighty, must be provided to the system and nothing else. This is therefore the pre-requisite if we wish to possess a healthy mind in a healthy body. It is very simple to understand and does not need any elaborate explanation. A healthy cell can only be formed with certain elements in fixed proportion already ordained, nothing less and nothing more. We must therefore act most assiduously and continuously, like a sprude scientist working in a laboratory, who very precisely mixes different elements and produces the desired materials. We have therefore to be very vigilant to allow those very elements to go down our throats which go to make the healthy cell resulting in a healthy free from any ailment, full of energy, vitality and strength. Whenever we break this eternal law and which we do every day, knowingly and unknowingly, we suffer the consequences and become afflicted with agony and pain. The law takes it own course and does not spare anybody who breaks it.

  • Everybody knows, even a small child, the fire burns, destroys, and incinerates. Because of this, knowledge we always keep away from fire and never put our hand into it because we know, it will burn. Its shape, color and utility will be lost and to save the other parts of the body it shall have to be amputated. It is a common knowledge that when anything is put into the fire, the five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether of which, it is composed of, goes into the air and a little ash remains, which is of no value. We see every day that when we put a dead body in fire, it is fully consumed in flames and what are left behind are some broken pieces of bones and ash. When you enter into anybody’s house and if something is being cooked in the kitchen, you at once smell it. From where has the smell come? The useful elements in the food are vanishing into the blue sky leaving behind a residue devoid of nutrition. These five elements have reached you and have made you aware that some particular food is being cooked.

  • This is most surprising that in spite of this knowledge, what to take of the ordinary people like us, even the most intelligent people, highly advanced intellectually and spiritually, throughout the world, consume their food after it is burnt, cooked, roasted and processed in thousands of ways. Nobody stops and thinks why he is doing this. What is the purpose behind cooking and processing? Science has advanced tremendously. Can anyone produce some evidence to show that when vegetables and cereals are put on fire their nutritional value is enhanced? Has any scientist written any thesis on this? To my knowledge there is none. The evidence on the other hand is to the contrary. All the known vitamins, Enzymes, trace elements are immediately destroyed by fire and much of the nutritional value is completely lost. The chemistry and quality of other elements such as protein, calcium, phosphorus etc. undergoes a considerable change thereby making those things indigestible or hard to digest.

  • Trace elements i.e. elements in very small percentage, just in traces play a very important role in the system, we have in our system many elements in bulk while there are some which are only in traces. For an instance, it is said that the iodine required in our system is so little that it can come one a pin head. But even this small quantity is very necessary for the proper functioning of the body. An instance quoted by someone is most revealing. The scientists analyzed the sea water. Some trace elements they were unable to decipher as those were in very small quantity even incapable of being handled, and were thus kept aside. They then synthesized and elements they had investigated and made the sea water. Live fish were then put into it. Those fishes immediately died. Then at the suggestion of one of their assistants, the trace elements kept aside were put into the water, live fish placed into it again and those were found to be happily living. This puts the value of trace elements at the top. These are completely destroyed by fire leaving the food deficient in the essential elements.

  • The human body can be rightly compared to a factory where different units are independently working but are coordinated with one another. In our system, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, the digestive organs, gall bladder, brain, lymphatic system, blood circulatory system etc do their allotted task and keep the body living and functioning. For its proper working it must fed with the right type of raw materials. If in a textile factory Egyptian cotton is used as raw material the cloth produce will be of very fine texture. If on the other hand ordinary or defective cotton is used as raw material the cloth produce will be rough and shabby. The same is true of the human factory. Feed it well and it will produce the best results. Neglect it as we are doing today the results are bound to be disastrous.

  • If the department of industry comes to know that the raw materials supplied to a certain factory are defective and below standard there is a hue and cry, the persons responsible are accused of negligence and brought to book, whereas those who commit most hineous adulteration in the raw materials necessary for the proper working of the human Factory often go scot free. In the present century there is no dearth if individuals and organizations who are ever engaged in devising everyday new methods of degenerating natural food stuffs and to concoct and offer for sale in most attractive package the most ridiculous eatables for sale.

  • Such individuals and organizations are not interested at all whether people live or die or suffer untold misery by consuming foodstuffs processed and manufactured by them, which are different in nutrition, their primary aim is only amass wealth for their personal gains at the cost of innocent millions. It devolves on every one of us to be alert and vigilant and not get entrapped in their clever maneuvers and thus save ourselves from the calamities that will befall us any time in life hereafter if we consume their products. If we follow the golden rule to eat only what is produced in the Factory of God in its natural form and not to touch anything manufactured in the factory form and not to touch anything manufactured in the factory of Man, everything becomes easy and beneficial.

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